Welcome to my Tech Talk

Written By: Rebecca Rosenthal
Sometimes, especially when spending a lot of time digging in to project work, it can be difficult to take a wider view on what Pega is capable of, and to continue working on technical skill growth outside of our projects. At srcLogic, one way we keep learning and stay plugged in to the great work our colleagues do on other projects is by hosting monthly tech talks, where employees come together to for an hour each month to watch their colleagues present on a range of topics related to Pega and the industry as a whole.
At tech talks, everyone is welcome, from the newest hires to the most experienced developers. Attendees are treated to presentations on everything from useful tips for everyday project work to powerful integrations with other software. Presenters get the opportunity to share cool features that they’ve developed and practice their presentation and public speaking skills in a low-pressure environment. One of our August 2022 hires, Michelle, presented her first tech talk just three months into her tenure at srcLogic—she explained how she used OpenID Connect with Azure Active Directory to implement a single sign on portal with a Pega application.
Topics covered in these meetings often fall outside what is covered in training and certificate pathways, so even our many Lead System Architects (Pega Certified LSAs) can get something out of attending these events. Newer developers benefit by gaining more exposure to Pega outside of their projects and our new hire training program, and have the opportunity to see some of the best Pega developers around getting all the way into the weeds discussing advanced Pega topics as they appear in real world applications we provide to our clients. True to their name, tech talks sometimes also extend beyond Pega to other topics important to the technology industry in general. Earlier this year, esteemed srcLogician Ryan presented an introduction to Docker and Kubernetes, both of which are important to the landscape of application management in general, in addition to their applicability to Pega applications.
As the note taker and record keeper for tech talks, I’ve gotten a front row seat to the last year and a half’s presentations. My colleagues have presented on topics ranging from Pega integration with DocuSign to in-house creation of React dashboards that improve bug detection and resolution. Because we maintain a database of notes and recordings from past meetings, all the knowledge shared during tech talks is available for my colleagues to draw on in the future. I too can get caught up in project work, but luckily, I have srcLogic Monthly Tech Talks as a regular reminder to widen my scope, and a great opportunity to keep learning.