A Better Approach to Pega Training - Learning in a Hands-on Setting

Have you ever finished a training class and realized you didn’t actually get to use the product you were supposed to be trained on?
If you're a developer, this is probably an all too familiar experience. You sign up for training expecting to learn and then spend the next day or three getting talked at and reading Powerpoint slides.
We knew there had to be a better approach to training; one that allowed participants to, you know, actually use the software.
And while we haven't solved the problem of tedious, slide-driven training for all applications, we have solved it for Pega. We've revolutionized Pega training by launching the first hands-on, immersive training for Pega developers.
Our Experiential Pega Training Course (EPT) takes a three-pronged approach to learning: Define, Demo, Perform.
Throughout our EPT course we employ this Define, Demo, Perform approach to ensure you leave our week-long training ready to make an impactful contribution to a Pega project or development team. We break our training down into manageable sections, focusing on key Pega Certified System Architect (PCSA) and Pega Certified Senior System Architect (PCSSA) topics. Using our DDF approach, in each section we first define the topic, then we'll demo it to you in Pega, and finally, we set you, the developer, loose in a Pega application to try applying what you've learned in a hands-on setting. Over 80% of the time you spend with us during this training is spent on hands-on learning.
So why we have we prioritized hands-on learning so heavily? Well, it's a more enjoyable way to learn than yet another 100-slide PowerPoint deck, and studies show doing something yourself is the best way to learn and retain information. And if we're being honest, why burn a week of your time if you aren't likely to learn what you need to or take that information back with you to your role and your team?
Using a three-pronged teaching approach, also helps ensure that participants who learn in different ways are able to more easily digest new, and complex topics – because who doesn’t geek out about data transforms? Or is that just an us thing.
So whether you learn best through definitions, demos, or performing the work yourself - our revolutionary Pega training course can help propel you on your journey to becoming a future Pega CLSA.
Interested in learning more about our Pega training courses? Click here for additional details about our courses? Ready to register for an upcoming training? Click here to check out dates and register for a course.